
Where Be the Rouxbees?

I have to start out by making mention of the fact that photos of a lot of our favorite “Rouxbees” have yet to be acquired. So if you know you’re a Rouxbee, don’t be upset if you don’t see youself yet.

Jamicee & Sheila converse with one of the real longtime Rouxbees “Jackyl Bill.”
In the Background (L to R) we see KEIF! and other Ting (the one that has the pierced Testes), face the wall (they won that evening’s punishment prize).

Ever notice how Rouxbees have to return to the hive same as any bee?
In other words, Our favorite kind of dance floor…Packed!

“Fluffer Spice” prepares to do her dirty work.
Unfortunately, pornography laws prevent us from posting the rest from this series of photographs!

Everyone’s always happy after Fluffer does her thing. Notice how relieved her current “Star” looks!

Fred sits with his wife Bernie, moments before he bolts on stage to help us rouse a cheer from the entire crowd!

Mrs. Ting launches the smile that could sink a Thousand Ships!

SomaLily says this looks like the cover of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.
Does this guy think we’re too loud? What’s wrong with him?

Mark Cassidy sits with the Lizard, after a great show, while the Lizard tries to charm a snake out of that beer bottle.
Aren’t snakes and Lizards related?

Renee “Golden Buns” looks on while her husband, Pete, relaxes after his starring role as “Urkel” in the all caucasian production of “Family Matters”.

Dr. Dave and Jack Secret share a laugh. (background)
Also pictured are little Shawnnee and her beau, John Lithgow, and Karen or Terry? I can’t remember which!

Fluffer Spice might be looking for new recruits as Ting strokes his instrument.

<align=left>Golly, what’s a Roux show without (l to r) Linda Loubner and Jamicee’s favorite hairstylist Dawn? If this isn’t having fun, then what is?
Stay tuned, more highlights from upcoming gigs on the way!