Phase Five

Roux Phase # 5

Unfortunately, Phase 5 really didn’t last too long either. It’s not fun to find replacements for persons that you Love, especially in this instance because Marv just fit in so well. He also coined a phrase or two that we still use to this day! In any case, we can’t seem to stop the history section from growing. If you like, you can move forward (backward) to Phase 4! Lizard is waiting patiently there for you…

Well, Marv’s not in this photo, but I’ll say this – Ting was still fat as hell from the quitting smoking thing and Jamicee’s hair looks really nice!

Looks like Jack Secret is really getting tired of Dr. Dave invading his unit all the time!

Ahhh, there’s Marvin. If you look closely you’ll see that his shirt says “I do what the voices inside my head tell me to do” Unfortunately for us those voices told him to accept a high paying job in the damned state of Texas! We miss you Marv!

To this day we get chills when Jamicee uses that incredible singing voice of hers!

Super Fatso Ting is looking to see if Marv’s little fan there could really do a lot of good pointed at Marv’s nads the way it is…

Fat, fat the water rat!

See Scotty Mac smile as that finger there slowly pushes up the Suck Control!

Wow, a Les Paul and a Marshall! Some say it’s the only way to go!

Hey, almost a whole band shot, except all that we can see of Dr. Dave is his hand fretting an ‘F’ chord. We wonder if that was intentional?

Thank God for a packed dance floor, Oops, that must have been later!

Okay! There’s a whole group shot! That almost never happens! We love you Marv, good luck in Oil Heaven!

*All Roux Phase 5 photos were taken by the “Official Roux Photographer – Wade Elton”
Thanks Wade!